Monday, January 19, 2009

I am finally taking the time to add something to my blogg page. So for all of you who have not seen the baby yet, here are some pictures. We are all doing well. Noah is now 2 months old and got his first shots the other day. He was not happy. We also found out however, that he is going to be tall and skinny like his daddy. He now weighs 12 lbs. 1 oz. and is 24 1/2 inches long! I couldn't believe how long he was. He has grown more than 3 inches since birth. No wonder he doesn't fit in his sleepers! We are loving every minute of being parents. He is so precious. The picture with my parents was on his blessing day. Chris gave him such a sweet blessing. We are so grateful to Heavenly Father for blessing us with this miracle. He brings us more joy than we could ever imagine. I will be uploading some more recent photos in the next couple of days. Have a great week, and for those of us in SC Enjoy the snow flurries!