Monday, August 17, 2009

Well, we have reached the 9 month milestone. He can roll around, crawl stand on his own, pull himself up to things, walk holding our hands (he loves that the most) get himself into almost anything he wants, feed himself cheerios and fishes, and get into a whole lot of trouble! We have accomplished a lot! He just cut his first tooth yesterday sometime too, so his momentary grumpiness has subsided for now until another one comes in. I have a feeling they might come in one by one! : ) He is so much fun now too, he plays peekaboo in the curtains and tries to copy every sound he hears. We went for a walk the other day and he tried to imitate the dogs that were barking. I havce a couple of new pictures I posted below. Hope you enjoy them!

9 Months!

He is so adorable...He loves anything with buttons. Mommy's phone...the TV remote...the computer....daddy's xbox controller....I guess that is no different than any other child. He always wants more the things he can't have. It wouldn't be such a big deal if he would stop putting them in his mouth! I was able to get a picture of him clapping. He loves to clap now, and can crawl like crazy. It is amazing to me that it doesn't matter how often or how well you think you have vacuumed the floor, he still manages to find things to put in his mouth.

As you can see he still slobbers on everything. It got bad again recentley since his teeth started shifting again. His first tooth finally broke through yesterday though. Hopefully the others will follow soon.

Friday, August 14, 2009

Ok, I don't have any new pictures of Noah yet, but will by the end of today since it is his 9 month b-day. I would like to figure out how to put some of our videos on the blog. I am going to devote some time to that today figuring it out. The problem is getting them on the computer to start. But they are so cute. He has also started making this funny noise and I want to catch that on camera too. But I just want to say to all of our family and friends how much we love you guys. We don't say it enough. Life goes by so fast but it is too short to waste a moment to say "I love you". We pray for all of you and give thanks for you and all the support you have given us through the years. We just celebrated our 5th anniversary. It has been the best 5 years of our lives. Thank you to our parents for bringing us up in the gospel. A special thanks to Chris' parents for raising a wonderful son. He is an amazing husband and father and is such a good support to me. Also, a special thanks to my parents for being such good examples to me, it is nice to have a place to turn for advice and love. Also to my sisters and sisters in law who are also there to answer mothering questions. Well, reading back over this I think it started to sound like some kind of acceptance speach! Take care all and look for more pictures coming soon!
Love, Becca

Trey and Alissa were having fun with my web cam the other day. I thought this was a cute picture.

Sunday, August 2, 2009

More pool pictures!

Lots of splashes! Sometimes I will put his small tub on the kitchen floor on top of a towel and sit a couple of feet away and read while he creates a mess in my kitchen. For some reason he thinks that water should belong on the outside of whatever he is sitting in. I have literally had a lake in the kitchen before, but I just let him do it and then mop up after him. It is motivation to mop the floor at least! : )

Just chillin' with mommy!

He is such a handsome boy!

This picture shows how fearless he was. It was hard sometimes to keep him from going head first into the water. Those of you who have held him know how heavy, strong and determined he can be!

Pool Time!

We had a primary activity yesterday. It started out with weeding at the post office and ended up in the pool. It was Noah's first experience in a big pool. He had up to that point only been in the tub and a small kiddie pool. He absolutely loved it. I thought he would since he loves to splash. Here are a bunch of pictures. He was so cute. At times he splashed so hard that he got a wall of water in the face, but it didn't seem to phase him much. I think we have a little fish on our hands....he reminds me a little of Josh.
Here is Mr. Chunky Monkey! He was just kicking away. We were spinning in circles...he loved that.

This picture made me laugh. He always pulls these funny faces but this is the first time we caught it on camera.