Monday, December 14, 2009

Noah's Birthday Cake

Here are the progressive pictures of Noah's birthday cake. It was yellow cake with Fudge frosting. He loved it....a little too much. We were up til 2:00 am with him. He was wired. Needless to say he will not be having any more cake until next birthday!

Thursday, December 3, 2009


For years I have been trying to get Chris to dress up as Harry Potter characters, finally he consented.

Chris was Ron, I was Hermione and Noah was Crookshanks! We had a lot of fun.
I was surprised that Noah kept the hood on, but he took one look in the mirror we have in the car and he smiled really big!

Thursday, September 17, 2009

We just got back from San Diego. We had such a good time there. Noah struggled a little with all the changes and the unfamiliar surroundings, but he was great on the plane and he still had a good time. His favorite parts of the trip were playing with Bella, the beach, the pool and the tub. He obviously likes water! It was really cute his first experience with sand. He was running his hands through it and trying to splash it like he does the water. We are however, very happy to be back home with daddy. We missed him soooo much. I hope you all enjoy the pictures!

San Diego!

We had dinner at a mexican restaurant and the kids had fun drumming on the table.

Each time we went to the beach the kids took a nap and we got to lay out and get some sun. It was very relaxing.

Los Angelas Trip

We went to LA the first day and had a lot of fun but it ended up being a very long day. This picture was actually taken as we got home.

We "met" the cast of Harry Potter....

"Held" George Clooney's hand...

The babies were really good, but got really tired of being in traffic.

"I had fun playing with Bella.....

....and bathing with her! We both love to splash!"
This was our last day of the trip. I took this at the Atlanta airport. I think Noah was happy to be off the plane for awhile.

YUMMM! sand tastes good!

"I'm not sure what to do with this. My hands seem to work better. "

I wasn't sure how Noah would take to the sand, but of course he loved it. He and Bells had fun playing in it. And eating it as you can see above....GROSS!

Monday, September 7, 2009

New pictures are coming shortly. We are on our way to San Diego to visit aunt Liz! We will see how little one does on the airplane. He is so adorable and has so much fun exploring and entertaining himself that it might prove difficult to have to sit still in mommy's lap for several hours. Gone are the days that he only wants to be held. Now there is so much to see and do. He is a curious one too, so he will want to go everywhere in the plane I am sure of it. I was able to fit several toys in our carryon though, so hopefully the people around us won't be too annoyed. I tried to pack quiet toys, but lets face it, those just aren't as fun and do not keep their attention for nearly as long. I will be without a computer while on vacation, but I'm sure we will have lots to report when it is through.

Monday, August 17, 2009

Well, we have reached the 9 month milestone. He can roll around, crawl stand on his own, pull himself up to things, walk holding our hands (he loves that the most) get himself into almost anything he wants, feed himself cheerios and fishes, and get into a whole lot of trouble! We have accomplished a lot! He just cut his first tooth yesterday sometime too, so his momentary grumpiness has subsided for now until another one comes in. I have a feeling they might come in one by one! : ) He is so much fun now too, he plays peekaboo in the curtains and tries to copy every sound he hears. We went for a walk the other day and he tried to imitate the dogs that were barking. I havce a couple of new pictures I posted below. Hope you enjoy them!

9 Months!

He is so adorable...He loves anything with buttons. Mommy's phone...the TV remote...the computer....daddy's xbox controller....I guess that is no different than any other child. He always wants more the things he can't have. It wouldn't be such a big deal if he would stop putting them in his mouth! I was able to get a picture of him clapping. He loves to clap now, and can crawl like crazy. It is amazing to me that it doesn't matter how often or how well you think you have vacuumed the floor, he still manages to find things to put in his mouth.

As you can see he still slobbers on everything. It got bad again recentley since his teeth started shifting again. His first tooth finally broke through yesterday though. Hopefully the others will follow soon.

Friday, August 14, 2009

Ok, I don't have any new pictures of Noah yet, but will by the end of today since it is his 9 month b-day. I would like to figure out how to put some of our videos on the blog. I am going to devote some time to that today figuring it out. The problem is getting them on the computer to start. But they are so cute. He has also started making this funny noise and I want to catch that on camera too. But I just want to say to all of our family and friends how much we love you guys. We don't say it enough. Life goes by so fast but it is too short to waste a moment to say "I love you". We pray for all of you and give thanks for you and all the support you have given us through the years. We just celebrated our 5th anniversary. It has been the best 5 years of our lives. Thank you to our parents for bringing us up in the gospel. A special thanks to Chris' parents for raising a wonderful son. He is an amazing husband and father and is such a good support to me. Also, a special thanks to my parents for being such good examples to me, it is nice to have a place to turn for advice and love. Also to my sisters and sisters in law who are also there to answer mothering questions. Well, reading back over this I think it started to sound like some kind of acceptance speach! Take care all and look for more pictures coming soon!
Love, Becca

Trey and Alissa were having fun with my web cam the other day. I thought this was a cute picture.

Sunday, August 2, 2009

More pool pictures!

Lots of splashes! Sometimes I will put his small tub on the kitchen floor on top of a towel and sit a couple of feet away and read while he creates a mess in my kitchen. For some reason he thinks that water should belong on the outside of whatever he is sitting in. I have literally had a lake in the kitchen before, but I just let him do it and then mop up after him. It is motivation to mop the floor at least! : )

Just chillin' with mommy!

He is such a handsome boy!

This picture shows how fearless he was. It was hard sometimes to keep him from going head first into the water. Those of you who have held him know how heavy, strong and determined he can be!

Pool Time!

We had a primary activity yesterday. It started out with weeding at the post office and ended up in the pool. It was Noah's first experience in a big pool. He had up to that point only been in the tub and a small kiddie pool. He absolutely loved it. I thought he would since he loves to splash. Here are a bunch of pictures. He was so cute. At times he splashed so hard that he got a wall of water in the face, but it didn't seem to phase him much. I think we have a little fish on our hands....he reminds me a little of Josh.
Here is Mr. Chunky Monkey! He was just kicking away. We were spinning in circles...he loved that.

This picture made me laugh. He always pulls these funny faces but this is the first time we caught it on camera.

Sunday, July 26, 2009

We were going through some of the pictures of Noah and found this one. We thought it was funny. I was feeding him a cracker and he had the most surprised look on his face. This was a couple of months ago. Enjoy!
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Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Aren't they cute!!! This is Bella and Noah holding hands already. Of course we will use this picture for their wedding announcement. We were visiting Jason and Audree and thought we would introduce the love bugs. They were destined for each other from the start. Noah immediately grabbed her hand. I can't decide if he has the Fuller or the Shurtleff flirting gene....he might have both. That could be dangerous later on!

Friday, July 10, 2009

Desperate Times Call for Desperate Measures

Sometimes you have to be really creative to find ways to accomplish things around the house. However it is important not to over do it once you come up with that great idea otherwise it loses it's magic and it stops working. Noah has been grumpy lately due to his new teeth, well the ones that are taking their sweet time breaking through. He loves playing the piano but I usually sit there with him. So, I had an idea and it worked. He sat there for quite awhile happily playing away while I finished some work, and then continued happily while I posted these pictures. Sigh....I should have thought of this sooner. : ) I hope you enjoy!

Tuesday, July 7, 2009

Ok, so here is a very important picture that deserves special attention. You see I previously failed (as tabby noted) to put a picture of Noah with his favorite aunt on the blog. Noah of course loves all of his aunts, but it is the oppinion of some that Tab is his favorite! : ) If there are any who would like to dispute that feel free to do so, or forever hold your peace. Feel free to post your thoughts on the matter, but let it be known that I have done my part. : ) We love you Aunt Tabby!

Monday, July 6, 2009

Noah has to be the happiest baby ever. He is always so smiley and laughs at everything. He is so happy that when he has a grumpy day it is a little overwhelming because I am not used to it. I am in for a real treat if we ever have a baby that cries all the time....which I'm sure we will. You can't help but smile though when you see this little angel.

Here is an adorable picture of Noah. He was just 6 months and Chris and I bought him a new swim outfit. He was less than thrilled. However, as soon as we got him into the kiddie pool he forgave us. I am surprised he kept the hat on. It did keep falling down into his eyes.
I am trying to be better about getting into this blogging thing. I am just being slow at learning how to do this. If I just take the time I know that it will be easier. For instance, I don't know how to invite people to view my blog!?!? But now that we have the whole new baby thing working that I said that Noah will throw a new curve into things....I think I might actually be able to make time to become an expert blogger. We shall see.

Monday, May 18, 2009

Sorry it has been so long to post again, however, I do not think very many people pull up this blog to look at it. I usually send out a link to our flickr account. But for those of you who do look on here, Enjoy!

Monday, January 19, 2009

I am finally taking the time to add something to my blogg page. So for all of you who have not seen the baby yet, here are some pictures. We are all doing well. Noah is now 2 months old and got his first shots the other day. He was not happy. We also found out however, that he is going to be tall and skinny like his daddy. He now weighs 12 lbs. 1 oz. and is 24 1/2 inches long! I couldn't believe how long he was. He has grown more than 3 inches since birth. No wonder he doesn't fit in his sleepers! We are loving every minute of being parents. He is so precious. The picture with my parents was on his blessing day. Chris gave him such a sweet blessing. We are so grateful to Heavenly Father for blessing us with this miracle. He brings us more joy than we could ever imagine. I will be uploading some more recent photos in the next couple of days. Have a great week, and for those of us in SC Enjoy the snow flurries!