Sunday, July 26, 2009

We were going through some of the pictures of Noah and found this one. We thought it was funny. I was feeding him a cracker and he had the most surprised look on his face. This was a couple of months ago. Enjoy!
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Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Aren't they cute!!! This is Bella and Noah holding hands already. Of course we will use this picture for their wedding announcement. We were visiting Jason and Audree and thought we would introduce the love bugs. They were destined for each other from the start. Noah immediately grabbed her hand. I can't decide if he has the Fuller or the Shurtleff flirting gene....he might have both. That could be dangerous later on!

Friday, July 10, 2009

Desperate Times Call for Desperate Measures

Sometimes you have to be really creative to find ways to accomplish things around the house. However it is important not to over do it once you come up with that great idea otherwise it loses it's magic and it stops working. Noah has been grumpy lately due to his new teeth, well the ones that are taking their sweet time breaking through. He loves playing the piano but I usually sit there with him. So, I had an idea and it worked. He sat there for quite awhile happily playing away while I finished some work, and then continued happily while I posted these pictures. Sigh....I should have thought of this sooner. : ) I hope you enjoy!

Tuesday, July 7, 2009

Ok, so here is a very important picture that deserves special attention. You see I previously failed (as tabby noted) to put a picture of Noah with his favorite aunt on the blog. Noah of course loves all of his aunts, but it is the oppinion of some that Tab is his favorite! : ) If there are any who would like to dispute that feel free to do so, or forever hold your peace. Feel free to post your thoughts on the matter, but let it be known that I have done my part. : ) We love you Aunt Tabby!

Monday, July 6, 2009

Noah has to be the happiest baby ever. He is always so smiley and laughs at everything. He is so happy that when he has a grumpy day it is a little overwhelming because I am not used to it. I am in for a real treat if we ever have a baby that cries all the time....which I'm sure we will. You can't help but smile though when you see this little angel.

Here is an adorable picture of Noah. He was just 6 months and Chris and I bought him a new swim outfit. He was less than thrilled. However, as soon as we got him into the kiddie pool he forgave us. I am surprised he kept the hat on. It did keep falling down into his eyes.
I am trying to be better about getting into this blogging thing. I am just being slow at learning how to do this. If I just take the time I know that it will be easier. For instance, I don't know how to invite people to view my blog!?!? But now that we have the whole new baby thing working that I said that Noah will throw a new curve into things....I think I might actually be able to make time to become an expert blogger. We shall see.