Monday, August 17, 2009

Well, we have reached the 9 month milestone. He can roll around, crawl stand on his own, pull himself up to things, walk holding our hands (he loves that the most) get himself into almost anything he wants, feed himself cheerios and fishes, and get into a whole lot of trouble! We have accomplished a lot! He just cut his first tooth yesterday sometime too, so his momentary grumpiness has subsided for now until another one comes in. I have a feeling they might come in one by one! : ) He is so much fun now too, he plays peekaboo in the curtains and tries to copy every sound he hears. We went for a walk the other day and he tried to imitate the dogs that were barking. I havce a couple of new pictures I posted below. Hope you enjoy them!

1 comment:

Dan and Brittany said...

This is fun to see. I had no idea that you had a blog:) I'm excited to see pictures now. It was fun to talk to you the other day.